Dr. Schwartz’s
Areas of Expertise
While we treat a very wide range of medical conditions and health-related problems, Dr. Schwartz has spent a vast amount of time on and has substantial background in treating these areas.
Cardiovascular disease
Disease Prevention
Hormonal Balance
Mind-body Medicine
Gastrointestinal Function
My Approach
In-Depth Investigation
The path towards your optimized health is a journey. We walk together through the discovery of the causes of your symptoms through the recovery of your wellness. Listening and learning about my patients is a critical piece that facilitates my ability to dig deep and often find things that have been missed or overlooked. I desire to always be respectful of and responsive to the preferences, needs, and values of each patient. Together, with my team and with my patients, we discuss and decide the best way to assess and approach the problem with thorough investigation and analysis.

Not Just a Diagnostician
Functional Medicine & Coaching
With 30 years as a cardiologist, Dr. Schwartz’s study and practice of integrative approaches toward optimizing wellness began four decades ago.
His training and background includes:
- Advanced training in Mind-Body Medicine from the University of Massachusetts and Harvard Medical Schools.
- Training from the Institute for Functional Medicine in clinical nutrition; preventing, managing, and reversing cardiovascular and metabolic dysfunction; re-establishing hormonal balance; immunology and chronic inflammation; restoring gastrointestinal equilibrium; managing pain, fatigue, and cognitive dysfunction; detoxification, and applying Functional Medicine in clinical practice.
- Course reviewer for the Institute for Functional Medicine, vascular biology and mind-body medicine.
- Certified yoga teacher training, Integral Yoga Institute.
- Certified training in organizational and executive coaching, New York University.
- Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan.

Your Health is Our Passion
Experience the Difference
You’ll notice we do things differently — on purpose. Our approach to healthCARE is client-centered and consistently supported through these three elements:
Through medicine and science backed strategies, we discover and uncover root causes of the symptoms you experience. We measure and reassess, craft prevention plans, and refine the plan as we progress along the path.
It all begins by intentionally spending a lot of time listening to you, our patient or client. This gives us the ability to adapt a treatment plan as well as empower and guide you towards a hopeful and health-full future.
Collaborative Action
You are not in this alone AND neither are we. Collaboration and supporting your health as a team is our unique position. We are better able to serve you through education and care plans by working together.
Reach Out
We’ll Take Care of You

LifeLong Learner
My son might’ve said it best on a Father’s Day card I received from him 37 years ago as a 4 year old. “A daddy is someone who studies.” I am a perpetual learner. Not only do I enjoy learning, but I have a deep internal drive to become better, to achieve my wellness vision, so that I can best be equipped to guide others in achieving theirs.
In college, I began to explore and commit to a meditation practice. That was the catalyst that lead to seriously applying myself to learning and self development as a lifestyle. In addition to a meditation practice, I also began a Yoga practice. I met my wife of 49 years at a meditation lecture, during my 2nd year of college.
Delivering my children and being the 1st one to make contact with their heads as they entered the world has been one of the most inspiring experiences of my life. The whole experience of wholesome living and the
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Healthy habits of the mind, spirit and body became a healing practice for me. Helping my clients transform through mind/body/soul medicine has given me deep satisfaction.
I currently guide a 2-hour weekly mindfulness meditation practice session and for the past 3 years, I’ve also developed a passion for practicing martial arts with an emphasis on Brazillian Jiu Jitsu.
These practices along with my love of learning give me the vitality, compassion, and knowledge to support others in their journey to health.